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Saturday, October 07, 2006


How do you lose a huge 80 dollar NIV study Bible between your truck and your apartment? I don't really know, but somehow I did it. I miss my study notes, but hopefully it will motivate me to think more on my own instead of just reading all the stuff at the bottom. i had a couple of things in my Bible that I REALLY didn't want to lose.. Oh well, it's just stuff. We'll see about the thinking on my own thing.

I watched March of the Penguins today. I didn't expect to be that intrigued by it as I was. The penguins have something inside of them that tells them to go and find their partner, and how to keep each other warm in -80 degree weather with 100mph winds. Oh yah, somehow they survive for months without food and have to walk 70 miles at least twice to get food.

"I don't know, really. It's just that I identified with them. I know it sounds crazy, but as I watched I felt like I was one of those penguins. They have this radar inside them that told them when and where to go and none of it made any sense, but they know on the very day their babies are being born, and the radar always turns out to be right. I have a radar inside me that says to believe in Jesus. Somehow, penguin radar leads them perfectly well. Maybe it isn't so foolish that I follow the radar that is inside of me." - Blue Like Jazz

God's creation is so awesome, so unexplainable. We just take it for granted. Science can explain God away. We can rely on science to heal us, and if it can't we give up. We forget how awesome God is, at least I do. Everyday I should look out my door and be amazed, I should forget about myself but I don't. One day I'm going to look back and be sad about how much time I wasted, sinning. Because anyone who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't, sins.

I'll finish on a lighter note, two bands I've been listening to on my Itunes a lot:
Scratch Track

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