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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

the new year

this year

i got married
alicia and i went to haiti 3 times
we paid off over 12k in debt

i'm sure there's a lot more that i am forgetting about. but those were probably the highlights.

i think it's funny how we get a day off because the year is ending. who decided that december 31st is the last day in the year? there are 365 perfectly other good days that could be the end of the year. It would be weird though if the end of the year was like in the middle of a month though. It probably wouldn't be weird if that's the way it had always been, it would just be normal. But thinking about it from how we have it now, yes it would be weird.

Why do people get all wasted to celebrate the new year? The first thing they have the next day is a hangover. What a great way to start the new year haha. The first day, we don't work. We just do nothing. We are so weird.

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