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Tuesday, September 12, 2006

mental diarrhea

everything is more stressful today. here we are on planet earth, running around in this REALLY little circles. Our consciousness limits our reality. Seriously. It's so funny. The universe is so big, but our world is so small. We're worried about us, our job, our future. You know how many other people are worried about the same thing, and seriously it doesn't get you anywhere but one step closer to the end. Forget it, why are you worried about the database server locking up. If it didn't, you might get two more minutes of work done but I doubt that is going to have a huge effect on your overall output. Stop stressing out, slow down. Take life a little bit easier. Find your purpose, is it selling loans? Most of the purpose in this area is a vanity that is unlike any other. Buy the next car, get the next thing, what's next, what can I get. I don't want that, I don't want a house, I don't want a wife, I don't want 2.5 kids, I don't want a schnazzy ride. When I say I, I mean the deeper part of me. The sinful, regular Lucas wants all those things. But deep down, I want to serve God. If I get those things while serving God I won't complain and I'll give Him glory. I'm done with the vanity.

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