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Sunday, March 28, 2010

haiti update

well I have a lot to say... I wasn't able to get online because the router at the guesthouse was major funky until I installed the new one tonight.  it's like night and day... before you had to point your computer in a certain direction and sit in a certain spot.  Now you can get internet all over the house, and I'm guessing it's faster too... my computer wouldn't connect at all to the new one.

anyways... so we got to haiti.  the plane to Haiti had very few Haitians... it was strange... We got to wait at the airport for our ride and practice our Creole for like 2 hours.  The airport is way different.  It's first world now, or nearly... Before you got off and walked onto the tarmac... now you are just in a stinky hallway that isn't air conditioned and you go down some stairs to a shuttle that takes you to immigration.  After immigration you find your bags among a sea of pushing people - they are in a room and there is no little loopy belt thing... they are just thrown on the floor and all over the place.  anyways I was glad to get out of the airport - it's not one of my favorite experiences.  we kind of just hung out yesterday (Saturday) and relaxed... it was a pretty long ride to get here.  I was in the back of a white caged truck on the ride home, so my view of the destruction was limited.  I saw a lot of tents, but I think I am going to go closer to the downtown area tomorrow - which apparently is where it is worse.  It's really great being here and seeing all the kids again, I'm looking forward to what God has for us in this week.

Today I went to church... So of course, my tradition is to purchase a whopper for the pastor of PAP Fellowship... but most of the orphanage goes to a closer church to the orphanage now.  Thankfully one other guy here wanted to go and we got someone to drive us.  I really enjoyed the message as always.  The 3-day old soggy whopper was delivered.  We prepared for this week today, a lot of us will be filling positions at the school that need filling.  I will be supervising the new computer lab and hopefully taking pictures/video and Alicia will be teaching hip-hop dance... And Alicia will be doing some meeting with the staff and working out logistics stuff too!

Well, I wish I had a more exciting update - I do have pictures though which are kind of exciting.  The highlight of my day was probably getting the internet to work on this new router haha. For more check out my flickr at http://www.flickr.com/photos/lucastheexperience

Alicia learning Creole

The house behind the guesthouse

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