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Monday, December 11, 2006


Do you ever think about Spam and while you still get it? Doesn't everybody hate it? Doesn't everbody delete it? Maybe not. Why would these people still be sending it unless someone was buying the things they were advertising? There must be some sort of market it for it, or we wouldn't keep getting it. I think I saw a new story on this once, some guy loved spam.

Here's a recent story: http://www.nytimes.com/2006/12/10/weekinreview/10basicsB.html?em&ex=1165899600&en=4441ea48dc7cffba&ei=5087%0A

90% of e-mail is SPAM. Cool! Google somehow has the best spam filter, I've only got one spam e-mail that has been able to get through it in the past 2 weeks.

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