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Saturday, February 14, 2009


yesterday we arrived in ankara.  what an adventure to find an apartment on a bunch of streets with numbers that don't make any sense.  we must have asked 10 people and had our first person flat out ignore us and walk by as we asked for directions.  first we looked at google maps to see where our friends lived and then compared that to the map we had in our turkey book and took a bus to the general area and walked from there.  it felt really good when we finally found the house.  we got to do laundry too which was cool.  and we saw a castle and the attaturk mausoleum which is really huge.  really huge.  really really huge.  i must admit after all this walking my feet and myself are very tired.  we are heading out for another ankara adventure today i don't know where... tomorrow afternoon we will head to cappodoccia!  we are also meeting some friends of friends this afternoon so i guess we'd better get going

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