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Sunday, April 06, 2008

so tired

this weekend was so busy. i really want to get out of here, both of us do. i'm really sick of this comfortable life, part of me even wants to move the ghetto just to shake things up. do i feel called to do that? not really. although it would save money! but everybody here is so worried about being safe, we never get outside of our comfort zones. even people that i figure would have had their eyes open to the fact that Jesus or his apostles were not safe by our standards. sometimes i feel like moving churches but maybe the solution is to find a church in a different country where we have to pray to get by. americans don't need to pray. look at all we have, why would we pray? it's just another one of those annoying things that gets in the way of our life.

people in haiti eat dirt cookies, but we can go to eat whenever we want. today someone dropped donuts on the floor at church. part of me was thought ew. gross. haha. as one pastor said when we saw this... in haiti they're eating THE ground. next time i'm in haiti i want to get some dirt cookies. maybe not to eat, i don't know that I would do that.

waiting for june... waiting for march 29 2011

listening to radio lumiere.

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