Our new blog is at http://www.experiencesinhaiti.com/blog

Sunday, March 28, 2010

haiti update

well I have a lot to say... I wasn't able to get online because the router at the guesthouse was major funky until I installed the new one tonight.  it's like night and day... before you had to point your computer in a certain direction and sit in a certain spot.  Now you can get internet all over the house, and I'm guessing it's faster too... my computer wouldn't connect at all to the new one.

anyways... so we got to haiti.  the plane to Haiti had very few Haitians... it was strange... We got to wait at the airport for our ride and practice our Creole for like 2 hours.  The airport is way different.  It's first world now, or nearly... Before you got off and walked onto the tarmac... now you are just in a stinky hallway that isn't air conditioned and you go down some stairs to a shuttle that takes you to immigration.  After immigration you find your bags among a sea of pushing people - they are in a room and there is no little loopy belt thing... they are just thrown on the floor and all over the place.  anyways I was glad to get out of the airport - it's not one of my favorite experiences.  we kind of just hung out yesterday (Saturday) and relaxed... it was a pretty long ride to get here.  I was in the back of a white caged truck on the ride home, so my view of the destruction was limited.  I saw a lot of tents, but I think I am going to go closer to the downtown area tomorrow - which apparently is where it is worse.  It's really great being here and seeing all the kids again, I'm looking forward to what God has for us in this week.

Today I went to church... So of course, my tradition is to purchase a whopper for the pastor of PAP Fellowship... but most of the orphanage goes to a closer church to the orphanage now.  Thankfully one other guy here wanted to go and we got someone to drive us.  I really enjoyed the message as always.  The 3-day old soggy whopper was delivered.  We prepared for this week today, a lot of us will be filling positions at the school that need filling.  I will be supervising the new computer lab and hopefully taking pictures/video and Alicia will be teaching hip-hop dance... And Alicia will be doing some meeting with the staff and working out logistics stuff too!

Well, I wish I had a more exciting update - I do have pictures though which are kind of exciting.  The highlight of my day was probably getting the internet to work on this new router haha. For more check out my flickr at http://www.flickr.com/photos/lucastheexperience

Alicia learning Creole

The house behind the guesthouse

Friday, March 26, 2010


warning.  this blog is not that exciting.

In just maybe 12 hours or so we will be in Haiti.  I don't know if my mind is fully prepared for what I'm going to see.  We've been so busy lately I feel unprepared for this trip in many ways.  I know it's going to be amazing and we will have a greater understanding of what is going on via Child Hope when going.  I just think how bad things were before this and I've seen all the pics of the devastation but I imagine witnessing it first hand is something different.  Our flight to Miami was somewhat uneventful.  Alicia and I pretty much stayed up all night last night doing stuff to get ready.  At 7:30 in the morning we had no clue if our bags were overweight - no reliable scale... so we did the whole weigh alicia, have her pick up a bag and subtract bag weight from Alicia's.  Not a reliable system... we very much guessed and took some stuff out... When we went to the airport they were all under 50 pounds, thank God!  I really am not a fan of the LA - to Miami flight but on this flight we LUCKED out and got the only row I think in the whole plane (in non-business class) with like twice the legroom.  Every other row had the normal video screen on the back of their chairs.  I was bummed to see ours didn't have that... but then I realized the video thing was in the armrest haha.  I fell asleep watching Planet 51 and then watched some documentary on people who were like real Indian Jones.  Otto Rahn searched for the holy grail for a long time and there was some other guy.  Anyways... American Airlines lost one of our bags because we had some construction stuff in there and it had to get some extra screening.  Now we are spending the night at Miami International until our plane leaves tomorrow morning at like 9 or 10ish.  Please keep us in ur prayers!

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Green shirt is ready to go.  Like 20 something hours until we go to the airport.  Haven't packed at all... it doesn't really matter.  I packed for 10 days and stayed for five weeks and it was fine.  I somehow even managed without my computer for that long.  Granted, there were a bunch more around me that served the same purpose but still... 

I hope your case of The Resentment is not too strong... The Resentment was born out of a team that Alicia and I took to Haiti.  Their lives were mostly ruined by Haiti in that awesome God way that made it so Haiti was 99% of what was on their minds.  They came back to America, and others went back to Haiti before them.  Thus, The Resentment was born.

keep checking back for updates from haiti

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Check out this graph showing searches about Haiti.  

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Green Shirt

I'm not a person who gets excited about articles of clothing very easily.  But, one of the many reasons I enjoy going to Haiti is wearing my green shirt.  It's like one of those safari-rei shirts that costs way more than you think it is worth.  The second time I went to Haiti one guy had one and I remember sitting at the one stop, 15  feet up in the air on top of the Manassero's giant white truck - the sun beating down on us - listening to this guy tell us of the wonders of his green shirt.  I kind of thought he was crazy for paying so much for a shirt.  Of course, they come in other colors but the green one is my favorite.  It is even better accentuated by a tan vest.  People will actually think you are a journaliste.  When we were in Haiti for 5 weeks and I came prepared for one week, green shirt saved me.  My other clothes were literally falling apart - but did green shirt fall apart?  No.  Did it stink after I wore it for a week straight?  Maybe a little.  It didn't feel dirty, which is the most important part of green shirt.  You're sweaty, you're icky, you take showers with 4 cups of water (my personal Spartan record) but green shirt is there to make you feel normal.  If you put it under the sink, ring it out and leave it for an hour or two it feels even better in the hot Haitian sun.  Green shirt is waiting in my closet  waiting to be sprayed with Permethrin to repel mosquitoes and is ready to repel sun for me with its awesome built-in UV protection.  Green shirt is even long sleeve, and it doesn't feel it.  Man how can you not have a green shirt if you are going to Haiti?

You may think these are ramblings of a mad man, but you get a green shirt and just wait and see...    

Tan shirt also exists, but eh.

Saturday, March 13, 2010


BonDye li Bon.  Overnight, our trip to Haiti was fully funded.  Thanks to everyone for their support and prayers... It really means a lot to us when people show their support for our trips to Haiti.  We can't wait to be there and share stories and pictures of what we experience with you.  Please keep checking back for more updates you can also check http://www.twitter.com/loomtronic for periodic updates!


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

We're going back to Haiti!

Dear Friends and Family -

It seems like a day doesn't when we are not asked the question "When are you guys going to Haiti?"  Well today, we have some exciting news.  From March 26th-April 3rd we will be going to Haiti!  Immediately following the earthquake, although our hearts desired to go, we were instantly involved in communications for the Child Hope orphanage in the US.  I was obviously working on the Child Hope website/twitter/facebook and Alicia was hired to coordinate relief for Child Hope full time.  Thus, we were stuck in America.

The door has finally opened and we are extremely excited to be reunited with our friends in Haiti and serve alongside them.  Lucas plans to develop new content for the website (pictures/videos/new features) and also help with the computer related issues they are having there.  Alicia plans to meet with the staff in Haiti to develop a better system of communication as well as assess supply and project needs.

We are going with high hopes and bowed hearts as we anticipate encountering the reality of the massive devastation in a country we dearly love.  We are very excited to reconnect with and encourage our dear friends as well as the wonderful children.

We ask that you would pray with us for our trip and for God to guide us and direct our steps.  Please continue to pray for Haiti, the hard working staff at the orphanage and the children there.

Due to the short amount of time we have before we go, and since Lucas works for eDivvy and developed the cool little widget you see below - we have set up an event on eDivvy.com to raise funds for the trip.  If you feel so led, you can support us financially.  Your contributions are tax deductible.
